Heffeweizen, in my opinion, is quite a tasty beer. I used to prefer it...I mean, it is cirtusy, refreshing, and colorful. Who wouldn't want to order a pint of unfiltered deliciousness? The answer is now me.
About a year ago one of our drains at work started backing up. After an assessment, it was determined that a plumber was in order. Joseph came by with a big, giant drain snake and started to it. All of a sudden, this oozy, pink, throbbing, and COLD! substance started pouring out. What? It turns out that it was unfiltered yeast that had built up over the year we started serving heffeweizen on tap. It had fingers and a pulse. Did I mention it was cold? The plumber kept saying, "Thank God I know what this is or else I would be vomiting now," while siphoning the pipe with his mouth. He had it all over his hands and keptflicking it all over us. The bartender and I were in awe and quite disgusted. That scene has never left my memory and I no longer enjoy heffeweizen.
I once mentioned this to someone close to me who has someone close to him/her who works at a bar. This person had the same thing happen, only with a dead rat in the center of the madness. That would have sent me over the edge.
I only mention this because today I had a mini-bout with some yeast. Probably about 8 feet of it. And yes, it was cold.