Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Can I have a drink please?

One of the first lessons I learned living on my own was never to go to the grocery store hungry. We've all done it and ended up with a bunch of disgusting crap our pets would never eat. I never considered the ramifications of going thirsty, which I did today. Lets examine my purchases:

8 Sprites, 8 Cokes, Gallon of grapefruit juice, 4 flavored waters, 4 Izze blackberry sodas, 2 large bottles of water, milk, coffee, and a six pack of beer. This does not seem all that much unless you consider that I only bought about 3 food items. I didn't even realize the skewed ratio until I checked out. The funny thing is that one of my impulse purchases included a travel mug to put all my drinks in.

I can't wait to see Jeremy's face when he opens the fridge and finds nothing to eat for dinner tonight. Whatever he eats, he'll have plenty to wash it down with (that's for you, Patrick!).