Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm so lame

The only good thing I have noticed about Jeremy moving 1500 miles away is that I can watch whatever I please on TV. Take Saturday for instance-- I was excited to find the women's Olympic trials were on NBC. This for me can make any weekend night at home worth not being out, but add Bela Karolyi as a sports analyst to the equation and forget about it! His thick Romano-English (yes I made that up) left co-analyst Bob Costas and the entire viewing community wondering what the hell he was saying. It was quite amusing to watch Costas squirm, thinking of how he was going to respond to such jibber-jabber. Bob's response? "Hmmm. That's an interesting perspective." If only there were live subtitles. That made me giggle.

After my amusement of gymnastics had waned, I started flipping the channels and lucky for me, I found a show about my all-time favorite psychopath, Laura Hall. For those of you not familiar with Ms. Hall, she is the girl who helped Colton Pitonyack dispose of a UT college girl's body and flee to Mexico. When expedited back to the US and asked why she helped a man suspected of murder, she replied, "that's how I roll." It seems the only people who don't believe she looks guilty are Laura Hall and her lawyer, who allowed this interview. It was less an interview than the ramblings of a crazy girl. Her story has changed no less than five times and she had to tap dance around her alibi all the while exhaling like a lunatic.

***Note: I understand it is sad that a girl was murdered, but what amuses me about the situation are the circumstances around the cover-up. Colton and Laura are getting exactly what they deserve and that is why I am amused.

Anyways, I am glad that Jeremy is coming back home for good...I can expect to watch the Astros and shows about WWII and rid myself of trash TV forever!


Anonymous said...

I watched to exact same thing Saturday night! But I hadn't heard about the Austin murders...that girl was a wack-o and I'm glad she was found guilty!

Anonymous said...

We all watched it! Fun for the whole family!