Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh My Gato, Numero Tres

Back by popular demand (not really).......

My cat loves my closet. It is full of things she adores and I don't allow her to go in there so it is forbidden fruit. Every chance she gets she tries to nose her way in there, every time she does I yell at her in a way that makes my throat hurt (I'm trying to scare her away from there). Today when I was unpacking from my trip(s), she snuck in. I was in a time crunch and not at all in the mood to fight, so I let her nap by my slippers.

I had a nagging feeling when I left for work this afternoon. Did I forget to turn the iron off? No, my clothes are definitely wrinkled....Hmmm.....

I arrived at work and was immediately distracted by a giant, gaping hole in front of the restaurant (last week the water main busted and we have had problems since). I sat down to a meeting and thought, "oh shit." I was pretty sure at that time that I had locked her in. I made a mental note to call either Jeremy or the girl who watched her last week to ask if either could liberate Luckbert. But someone came around the corner and asked me where to find the mayo and I forgot all about it.

It was not until about 5 minutes ago that I remembered. I have yet to survey the damage and see what she deemed worthy of a litter box: Jeremy sleeping and I don't want to disturb him. I must say I am pretty scared because clothes are strewn EVERYWHERE in there, and they are my favorites to boot.

Upon further consideration I now realize the water main story would have been so much more entertaining. Unfortunately for you, the reader, too much of my energy was spent writing about my stupid cat. Sorry you have to bear the burden of my refusal to waste 5 minutes erasing my hard work. Look on the bright side, maybe my cat will be traumatized by this whole experience and never want to go in my closet again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the water main story!