Saturday, November 22, 2008

10 Milestones

This morning, I ran 10! miles. I feel pretty accomplished because a few months ago I never would have thought I could do it. I also was proud that I ran most of the mileage, only walking during the big hills on my route.

Those experienced in the running world tell you to take an ice bath after a long run. It constricts your blood vessels, preventing swelling. You are supposed to fill your bathtub 1/4 full, add 20 lbs of ice, then marinate in the chilliness like a shrimp cocktail for 10-15 minutes. My coaches personally swear by this method and tell you to take one each time you see them. This is how it goes:

Coach: How was your run today?
Runner: Great/Not so great (depending on the day)
Coach: Don't forget to take an ice bath!

The thought of cold water always makes me crazy. I don't like to swim in sub 80 degree water. But today I was feeling a little achy and I was already cold, so I decided to give it a go.

OMG!!!!! The minute I put a toe in the water, I knew how un-fun it was going to be. I put on 4 layers of shirts, topped with a sweatshirt hoodie and rocked myself back and forth. There was a point of time (about minute 4) that my legs were shaking so badly I had to hold them down. Admittedly, the 10 minutes went by faster than I imagined they would. The worst part is that I can't tell whether or not it worked. Surely it must have, but my legs are uber sore and my feet have been cold ever since.

So, next time you physically exert yourself, try it. It's at least interesting to empathize with those suffering from hypothermia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Jillbert! How are your Danskos?