Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Age?

Every winter, there is at least one mention of a wintry mix. What the weathermen predict involves a giant block of ice--don't leave your house or you could die!

Tonight happens to be such a night. Keep in mind I haven't had access to the weather all day, so this could all be in my mind. It makes me daydream of a fully iced-in city where I don't have to go to work. My street would be un-drivable and therefore I would be able to ride down the steep hill by my house on a cookie sheet without any fear of imminent death. I would wear the ski clothes I own for the second time and make snowangels and laugh and giggle until it was time to have hot chocolate (the only thing in my pantry at the moment) with peppermint schnapps and play cards with Jeremy all day long.

I'm sorry, was I rambling?

I hope you stay warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's have a race! To see who wins!