Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hey everybody! We're back! Before I even consider telling you about the 1/2 marathon, I must first tell you about my first day back to work:

I walked into work at about 11am (CST). The restaurant was full of people who had requested to watch the inauguration ceremony (we even had the sound of the TV's on). I swear for the duration of his speech you could hear a pin drop in the restaurant. No one was speaking, just kind of tranced toward the television. The phone didn't ring, time just stood still. The minute Obama said, "God Bless America," everything went back to business as usual. Just like that. I guess no matter your political alliance, it is nice to see a president who can orate, not wait and cross one's fingers that he won't say something absolutely stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, come on...tell everyone about your 1/2 marathon! That's so much more exciting than a new president and probably more historic!