Thursday, January 8, 2009

What's Up!

As if apparent tendonitis in my right foot was not enough, I now have been diagnosed with an IT Band strain. I am sports therapy for this condition. Less therapy than torture. As my race is now 10 days away, I am forced to visit the doctor nearly every day before I leave. They poke and prod me and get upset with me if I am not screaming in pain. It makes me grouchy and I can't tell whether or not it is working.

The grouchiness became actually a good thing the other day when I went to Target, which is now once again quiet and enjoyable. I have a problem of overspending there, especially on many, many impulse buys. But the other day, I had 4 things on my list and left with 6 items. The two extra items were forgotten from my list and definitely needed. I consider that a great victory and was quite proud of myself. I was too grouchy to buy what I would usually consider cute things.

Anyways, as I mentioned, I am 10 days out from my race. I am a nervous wreck and quite honestly freaking out. Hopefully I'll get to calm down and enjoy my stay in the Valley of Sun. Check out this website if you are the tiniest bit curious about the race. Otherwise, you'll just have to stay posted to hear about my time (I'm not sure if I'll take the time to blog between now and then).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

I hope there is not too much repeated flexion of your lateral femoral epicondyle during this event.