Monday, November 10, 2008

I've Been Had!

So I am out shopping today for my massive room organization (oh, did I mention I am massively organizing my room?) in a shopping center with tons of stores that deserve my patronage. After stop 3 of 4, two big ladies practically accost me in the parking lot rambling on and on and on about the fact they are out of gas, no one will help them, it's about to rain, blah, blah, blah. They yelled in my ear and everything. Now, I rarely fall for this kind of transparant BS, but while accosted I was searching my purse for keys and 2 dollar bills happened to be at the top of my purse--my usual response is to fib and say that I don't have any cash. Really, who carries cash anymore? I feared an ass-kicking so those ladies got my money. Bitches!

That's not the worst part...

I feared they may ask me for a ride to the gas station (they pointed to a sad looking car across the parking lot) so I walked the 1/4 mile to the next stop, The Container Store. Usually the walk would not bother me, but my foot is still in a considerable amount of pain, and as the ladies pointed out, it was about to rain.

Long story less long, I dragged my bulky purchases back from The Container Store only to find an empty spot where the alleged sad, gasless car used to reside. It would have been impossible for those ladies to get gas in the 20 minutes it took me return to my vehicle, even if someone took them to a gas station.

My guess is they had to scarf down some Taco Cabana (which happens to be in this shopping Mecca as well). At least I didn't get rained on.


Anonymous said...

Scammers! At least you bought them tacos and not heroin.

Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation, Jill, I had the same thing happen to me at the Galeria