Thursday, September 4, 2008

I heart SF

I have been promising a blog about San Francisco....

We had a great time, of course--The weather was hot (lingering around 90) so I didn't get the benefit of cold weather. I was initially upset because after all the 100 degree days we've had here, I longed to wear a jacket. It turns out I was lucky.

We spent the first night in San Fran at a Giant's game. The park there is beautiful, sitting right on the water. They offer good food and good beer. It is more like an old-school park with dark red brick and the bullpen on the field. The game was good and the company was interesting (we went with one of Jeremy's office mates and the District Attorney for a small county in East Texas who had conservative views but was very nice). The night turned late and we were over served (my dad's favorite expression of being schnockered).

The following day I had a hard time getting out of the hotel room. I had one of the worst hangovers in the history of man and I couldn't figure out how I would see such a cool city with a pounding head. As I was contemplating the perfect plan to see everything with little to no physical effort, I looked across the street and saw a double decker tour bus. Perfect! I climbed aboard. The actual tour probably deserves a blog post of its own as its passengers heard all about the social reasons for homelessness and prostitution and the story line of the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" 3! times. There was a time that I was laughing so hard I thought I would pee my pants, but all the sights were saw and I didn't have to walk a step to see them. It was sunny and clear and beautiful outside and when our bus drove across the Golden Gate Bridge, we had a breathtaking view of the city from the other side.

I took some amazing pictures, but unfortunately our main computer is feeling under the weather and I am unable to post them. When all was said and done, I gave San Francisco an A+ and hope to plan another jaunt there soon.

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