Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oh My Gato, Part Deux

A while back, I checked my mail to find a flyer of a missing cat from the neighborhood. There are always publications of this sort as I live in the Hill Country, rife with predators who enjoy feasting on felines. Any veteran cat owner in this area knows to never leave their cats out after dark or risk them getting eaten by a coyote or whatever else is hungry around here. Here is my version of the note, paraphrased so as to not risk plagiarism:

Hello. I am new to the neighborhood and my cat has been missing for 2 days. He refuses to wear a collar, so we don't make him. (Insert description of said cat here). He is very cute, and I know you have him, so give him back.

Say what? Here is my tip for whomever wrote that flyer. If you are missing your cat and pleading for the public's help in relocating him, it is probably not a good idea to accuse each and every neighbor in the area of stealing your pet. We all have our own pets and don't need your stupid cat, lady. I am so sure.

P.S. As I am writing this, my watch arrived!

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