Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh, the things I saw yesterday...

Just a head's up...this blog will be way less interesting than the blog I would have posted the day someone brought a baby kangaroo into the restaurant. I could pretend I was there but that story is so far-fetched that my sister made me show her photographic proof of the incident before she would concede its actuality. So instead, feast your eyes on these tasty stories:

After a long day at work yesterday afternoon, I was off with a friend to have a beer and eat some food. My restaurant is the anchor of a small strip center, through which we must walk to get to the employee area. This may not be news to you, but now a days most strip centers have nail salons, many of which do not feature english-speaking technicians. My restaurant's location is no different. As we walked by the salon, the owner beckoned us over and asked for our help. I do always fashion myself quite the hero, so even thirsty and hungry, we stopped to see if we could be of service. What we found inside was horrifying. A lady was locked in the bathroom--the door had broken. This was no door you would find at your home, it was a commercial door with no ability to mess with the lock from the outside. The nail ladies were frantically trying to free her with a small paperclip and perhaps even a prayer. Once she heard our voices, she started pleading with us to call the fire department. Her voice was a little panicky, so there is no telling how long she had been stuck inside. Once we realized we would be of no use to these people, we advised calling 3-1-1 and went on our merry way. Thirty minutes later the fire department showed up and had to use a sledge hammer to get the door open. I know it is not good karma, but I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. I am quite lucky that I didn't as the bathroom in the salon was occupied.

Since this is a long post, I will skim over the next story. I saw a grown man eschew the bathroom in favor of washing his hands by spraying windex on them. That one is new to me and I couldn't quite get it.

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